Stake GEODs

Check the Staking Area

  1. Click the "Stake" button in the top menu bar to access the Staking Center page. Then, click the "Staking" button, followed by selecting the "Available for Staking" card menu to view current staking activities.

  1. Clicking on the Center ID allows you to locate the specific position of the staking activity on the map. Green areas are areas available for staking.

Stake GEOD

  1. Before staking GEODs, you need to connect your MetaMask wallet. Click "Connect MetaMask Wallet" in the menu bar to prompt wallet login.

  • Before connecting to MetaMask:

  • After connecting to MetaMask:

  1. Click the red "Stake GEOD" button next to the available staking area in the list to open the staking dialog box.

  1. After entering the staking amount, click the "Approve" button to authorize the staking activity.

  1. After successful authorization, click the "Stake" button to proceed with the staking.

  2. The staking is successful.

Staked tokens are stored in smart contract address: 0x682ba846eed9934cc89ed89a350ea98781256b6f

Deploy Stake Area Sations

After successful staking, the GEOD Required column in the list of "Available for Staking" will automatically deduct the staked amount. Once the staking targets are met, the entry will transit from "Available for Staking" to "Active SuperHex" immediately, entering the Base Station deployment stage.

  1. Click the "Stake" button in the top menu bar to access the Staking Center page. Then, click the "Staking" button, followed by selecting the "Active SuperHex" card menu to view the list of Base Stations available for deployment.

  1. Click on the "Center ID" in the list to view the specific staking location and the deployment status of the Base Stations. The staking area will be displayed in blue.

  1. After binding the Base Station within this area, the Staking region will appear as shown in the following image.

View My Staking

Click the "Stake" button in the top menu to access the Staking Center page. Then, click "My Staking" followed by selecting the "My Staked List" card menu to view your list of staking.

View My Producing Miner list

Click the "Stake" button in the top menu to access the Staking Center page. Then, click "My Staking", followed by selecting the "My Producing Miner List" card menu to view the list of Base Stations deployed within the staking period.

Redeem Staked GEODs

During the entire staking process, there are several points in time when the staked GEODs can be redeemed:

  • Staking stage: If the total staking target is not met within the specified time (30 days), the staking activity fails, and the staked GEODs can be returned.

  • Base Station Deployment waiting stage: If the station fails to deploy within the specified time (180 days), the activity fails, and the staked GEODs can be returned.

  • Earnings stage: After the earning period ends and the activity concludes, the staked GEODs can be returned with 20% bonus.

Console steps:

  1. Click the "Stake" button in the top menu to access the Staking Center page. Then, click "My Staking", followed by selecting the "My Staked List" card menu to view your staking list.

  2. Select the staked token to be redeemed, then click the "Withdraw" red button to open the redemption confirmation dialog.

  1. After clicking the "Confirm" button, the MetaMask plugin will be prompted, then click the "Confirm" button on the MetaMask plugin to proceed with the redemption.

  2. Redemption transaction sent successfully, awaiting verification.

Last updated