Add a Base Station to Console

Add a Solo Miner

Adding a Base Station (Satellite Miner) to the GEOD Console platform means that the ownership of the physical station belongs to that single account. By employing this approach, the miner's rewards will belong to the digital wallet address linked to this account.

Steps to Add:

  1. Click on the "Mine" button in the top navigation bar to access the Miners page. Then, click on the "Solo Mining" button to enter the page displaying the solo miner list. Click on the "Add Miner" button to open the “Add Solo Miner” dialog box.

  1. After entering the "Miner SN" (Miner Serial Number), "Miner Nickname," and "Miner Key," click the "Save" button to add the miner.

  1. Await the successful addition prompt box to appear.

Add a Revenue Splitting Miner

A revenue splitting miner refers to a physical Base Station with token income distribution. The earnings of a single Base Station can be proportionally allocated between a main account and a profit-sharing account. This scenario typically applies to situations where the primary user of a Console account shares profit with another user without a Console accounts (but with wallet addresses).

  1. Click the "Mine" button in the top navigation menu to access the Miners page, then select "Revenue Split Mining" to enter the profit-sharing miner list. Click the "Add Miner" button to open the “Add Revenue Split Miner” dialog box.

  1. After entering the "Miner SN", "Miner Nickname," "Miner Key," "Revenue Wallet Address" (second wallet address to receive rewards at), and "Percentage to Revenue Wallet" (the percentage of rewards allocated to the revenue wallet), click the "Save" button to add the Base Station.

• MinerSN of the miner from which the revenue splitting is to take place

• Nickname (description) of the miner

• MinerKey of the miner

• Revenue Wallet Address > Wallet address to which the splitting should take place

• Percentage to the revenue wallet: 0-1 (1=100%) Example 0.2 = 20%

  1. Await the successful addition prompt box to appear.

Change a Solo Miner to a Revenue Splitting Miner

If you have a Solo Miner and would like to change it to a Revenue Splitting Miner, please be careful because you will lose all data and NFT status.

Steps to change:

  1. Unregister the Solo Miner from your Console account.

  2. Reset the Solo Miner and treat it as new. All data history and NFT status will be removed from this miner.

  3. After resetting, add this miner as a Revenue Splitting Miner.

View Miner Revenue Details

Click the "Mine" button in the top navigation menu to access the Miners page. If you have added the Base Station successfully, you can view the station's revenue details by clicking on the station serial number in the list and view the station's current state.

  • Current State: The current status of your station.

  • Reward Today: Rewards earned today.

  • Base Reward: The total base rewards earned to date. Base rewards are calculated based on all reward rules, including Token Reward Metrics, Location NFT, Hex Reward Rules, and the SuperHex multiplier.

  • Extra Reward: extra rewards received from other network incentives.

  • Total Reward: The total rewards combining base reward and extra reward.

  • GEOD Distributed: The total GEOD distributed to date.

Last updated