GEODNET Map Navigation

Click the "Map" button in the Console at the top navigation menu to access the Map page.

Click the arrow on the left sidebar of the map to show or hide the panel on the left.

Click the icon in the top-left corner on the left side panel to select the display of Base Stations on the map based on their status.

Enter the serial number of a Base Station in the text box on the left side panel to search for the Base Station.

Click "All Miners" or "My Miners" on the left side panel to toggle between displaying all Base Stations and displaying only your Base Station.

Click the “Available for Staking” button to view the list of locations available for staking. Click the “Active SuperHex" button to view the list of Active SuperHexes.

Clicking on a Base Station on the map displays detailed information about the Base Station.

Clicking on a staking area on the map displays detailed information about the staking on the left side panel below the tab "More Info".

Entering an address or coordinate in the text box in the top-right corner of the map allows you to locate that address on the map.

Click the icon buttons on the right side of the map to display and utilize their functions.

Last updated