Staking FAQs

-India Remote Mining:

The remote India mining program is ongoing for only existing miners. We will not be accepting new requests through GEODNET/HYFIX to host remote miners.

-What happens to existing lease contract?

Hepta Networks will be in contact with owners directly to extend the lease contract.

-If contracts are not renewed, what happens to the paid station?

Confirm contract cancellation with Hepta Networks at time of renewal request. A new station will be shipped to owner at the end of the subscription and the existing Inida station will be deregistered from console account. Owner will be responsible for the shipping cost and custom fees of the new station.

-India 2x Reward Promo:

New stations that went online in India on or after April 1, 2024 will NOT recieve 2x rewards and will receive the same rewards as all stations in the world according to data quality and hex rules.

-Will there be Phase II SuperHexes in India?

Yes. Contact Hepta Networks for remote deployment into the SuperHex.

-How much GEOD do I need to stake?

20,000 GEOD is required to fully stake a Superhex. You do not need to fully stake a Superhex alone.

-Can I split my stake with others?

Yes, any number of participants can contribute to reach 20,000 in increments of 1000 GEOD tokens.

-How much do I earn for staking?

At the end of the 1-year producing period, the staker receives an additional 20% of GEOD tokens. For example, if the staker staked 2000 GEOD tokens, at the end of the 1-year producing period the staker shall receive 2400 GEOD tokens.

-What is the earning potential for deploying into a staked area?

The first miner in an active and empty SuperHex can receive the full bonus mining rate for one year after it is installed.

-What is difference of the reward multiplier from phase I?

For SuperHex phase II, the multiplier reward is fixed. So, the best strategy is to deploy a Base Station in a SuperHex as soon as you can.

-How long does the stake last?

1 year from the first day of the producing period. If no station shows after 180 days, the stake is canceled and tokens are returned early.

-How long do the rewards last?

1 year from the date the first station in the SuperHex goes online.

-How fine are the timestamps( if someone else deploys on the same day, what happens?)

GPS provides an exact time stamp down to 100nS level accuracy, so there is no ambiguity on who is first.

-If I stake into an area 1st do I get more than the 2nd staker?

Order is unimportant in staking. All stakers are treated equally.

-When do multiplier rewards no longer apply (can I put 20 miners in a hex with a multiplier?)

Only the first miner will get the multiplier.

-What is the clock on a SuperHex that isn't fully staked?

A proposed SuperHex has 90 days to get staked or the proposal will be cancelled.

-How does this impact the Tokenomics?

The aggressive Phase I tokens emission only supports a small number of SuperHexes. The Foundation reduced the maximum multiplier reward, but increased the number of SuperHexes which increases the opportunity to deploy a station in a SuperHex.

-Does the triple band multiple get added or multiplied in?

The triple band is the baseline currently earning 48 GEOD tokens per day. A 2x multiplier is 96 GEOD tokens per day. New dual-band miners are not being sold; however, existing dual-band miners can still participate in the network fully.

-Are national forests and deserts going to be off limits?

We discourage any illegal deployments. Proposed SuperHex locations will be carefully reviewed.

-What happens if you stake, someone installs a station, then the station is moved out before reward time is over, who gets the reward?

If there is another station in that SuperHex, it will earn the reward multiplier once the initial station leaves. The Superhex reward then passes onto the next station that had entered the SuperHex earliest.

-You stake a hex, someone deploys, and that station gets stolen or removed. You put in a replacement station, does that station get the multiplier rewards?

The Superhex reward then passes onto the next station that had entered the SuperHex earliest.

Last updated