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Connect MetaMask Wallet

Click the "Connect MetaMask" button in the top-right corner of the navigation bar to connect your MetaMask wallet. Please make sure the wallet address that you connect, is the one associated with your GEODNET Console account.

If you do not have a MetaMask wallet yet, please refer to "Setting up Your Wallet" and follow the guide to set it up.

Click the "View Proposal" button to access the full list of proposals.

Click the "About veNFT" button to understand the platform's voting mechanisms.

Total Community Votes

The panel below showcases total community voting power consisting of Location NFT votes, Staked GEOD votes, and Locked GEOD votes. The total vNFT figure is automatically updated when the amount of Location NFTs, Staked GEODs or Locked GEODs changes.

Proposal Voting Tutorial

The tutorial provides a step-by-step guide for community members to understand the platform's voting process.

Vote Now

The "Vote Now" section displays the latest proposals that are currently undergoing voting.

Pending Proposals

The "Pending Proposals" section displays proposals that have been approved by the platform administrators and are awaiting voting.

Closed Proposals

In the "Closed" section, members can view all the closed proposals that have gone through voting.

Last updated